Explore the Galicia-Garcia Family Name
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Historical records offer an unusual window into your family's past. Learn more about the Galicia-Garcia family, where they lived and what they did for a living. Search for birth records, death certificates, and immigration data, among other information in historical collections. Find the names and birth dates of Galicia-Garcia family members, different addresses of residence, family members' occupations as well as death and burial information.
We found 6,188 records for Galicia-Garcia last name
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More last names
Most popular first names with surname Galicia-Garcia:
- Catarina Orocio Galicia-Garcia
- Emily Galicia-Garcia
- Felipa Luisa Galicia-Garcia
- Harold Galicia-Garcia
- Jorge Galicia-Garcia
- Jose Alexandro George Galicia-Garcia
- Jose Antonio Galicia-Garcia
- Jose Luis Galicia-Garcia
- Jose Maria Miguel Amado Galicia-Garcia
- Josse Maria Cirilo Galicia-Garcia
- Juan Galicia-Garcia
- Juliana Galicia-Garcia
- Manuel Galicia-Garcia
- Maximo Domingo Galicia-Garcia
- Teresa Galicia-Garcia